Swimmng Day

Reception to year 6 Swimming Day

This Friday the 16th February

Easter Break

Wishing our awesome Andamooka Community a safe and Happy Easter -Friday 7th to Monday 10th April- see you next Tuesday for the last week of Term 1!


National Day of Mourning - Public Holiday

Thursday 22 September will be a one-off national public holiday to mark the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

This means schools, preschools and OSHC services will be closed.

We acknowledge this may cause some inconvenience and thank you for your flexibility.

Schools and preschools will remain open and operating as usual outside of this day.

The National Day of Mourning coincides with the National Memorial Service in Australia where one minute’s silence will be observed at 11.00am.

Monique Griffiths

RDAS Family Night

Family night

RFDS visit 25/05/2022

Consent forms will be sent home

Woomera Speech Pathologist

Woomera Area School presents

SP Poster

Parent Teacher Meetings

Monday 11th, Tuesday 12th Wednesday 13th please call school if you haven't booked a time yet

Last day of Term 1

The last day of Term 1 is 14th April, School finishes at 2pm

Campaign 2022-03-31

Lunch order Wednesday

Lunch Order Menu


Dine-A-Mite Café

Pie     $5.00
Pie with sauce $5.50
Sausage roll  $4.00
Sausage roll with sauce $4.50
Hotdog, plain


Hotdog with sauce


Hotdog with cheese


Hotdog with sauce and cheese


Pop-top fruit drinks: apple and blackcurrant, orange, and Apple
